MIGLYOL® 8810 ECO – The water-light Feel-Good-Emollient goes green

2022-05-09T09:12:35+02:002. May 2022|General|

It's no secret that the important ozone layer is constantly getting thinner and the protection against harmful UV radiation decreases as a result. Protecting our skin is therefore more important than ever in order to prevent the risk of skin cancer. In addition to the right clothing, primarily sunscreen lotions with a high sun protection factor provide protection. The formulation of these sun creams is primarily characterized by the use of chemical and synthetic ingredients. With MIGLYOL® 8810 ECO, however, we give your formulation a real ECO boost!

Making a virtue of necessity – dealing with supply chain issues in the Technical Applications business unit

2022-05-06T10:39:22+02:0019. April 2022|General, General|

The Corona pandemic has led to diverse business constraints all around the globe. Not only have costs of logistics, raw materials and packaging material increased extremely but also the availabilities of such decreased rapidly. Freight costs from Asia to Europe have multiplied, creating a huge challenge especially for materials from the Far East. Vessels or containers are often blocked in harbours due to lockdowns or sick crews. Harvests were partially lower during the pandemic, also related to lockdown situations.

Design Your Perfect Texture in Three Easy Steps

2022-03-04T15:28:43+01:0023. February 2022|General, Personal Care|

The use of cosmetics should be an experience thanks to an exciting texture and pleasant sensory properties. In the jungle of raw materials, it is up to the formulator to combine the right ingredients, such as actives, fragrances, emollients and oils. One important constituent with an elementary role that ensures versatility and stability is a must: the emulsifier!

The Future of Capsules – Even better with IOI

2022-03-01T10:56:24+01:0031. January 2022|General|

With sales of around $27 billion in 2019, capsules are the second most popular dosage form after tablets. Experts predict annual growth of 9%, which means that the capsule could already reach a market volume of $54 billion by 2027. Its popularity is easy to explain, as it offers numerous advantages. In combination with the product portfolio of the Pharma business unit of IOI Oleo GmbH, further benefits can be generated.

DYNASAN® 118 – Your Formulation Challenges – Our Solutions

2021-11-16T10:47:11+01:0021. October 2021|General, Pharma|

In 1843 the Englishman William Brockedon (1787 - 1854) applied for a patent for the tablet and caused “one of the most tremendous upheavals that the pharmacists have ever experienced”. Thereby active ingredients can be precisely dosed and are very stable, the taking is convenient, the production cheap and they are easy to transport. As a result, tablets occupy a special position today with a share of almost 50% among the drug forms.

Smart solution: Anti-fog agents for agricultural films

2021-10-11T13:56:46+02:0029. September 2021|General|

Where synthetic materials are used in the right place – for example, as films for greenhouses and other land used for agricultural purposes – uneconomic, dry areas can be utilised for agriculture and crop yields optimised despite unfavourable climatic conditions. SOFTENOL® 3190, a product of IOI Oleo GmbH’s Technical Applications Business Unit, improves the efficiency of greenhouses in this special field of application and protects the plants in them at the same time.

CL Analyser in Wittenberge for guaranteed top quality

2021-08-17T11:19:54+02:0023. July 2021|Company, General|

IOI Oleo GmbH is one of the leading European suppliers of oleochemical specialties for almost all areas of daily life. Top quality is our credo! It is not only reflected in the product but is the essence of our holistic approach. Of course, we monitor the entire manufacturing process and test our products in compliance with the strictest requirements at various stages of the process. Thus, we have equipped our plant in Wittenberge with a so-called CI analyzer. We already analyse the raw materials and can guarantee the highest quality.

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